Yahoo! Finance
Green Payments, a credit card processing and point of sale disrupter, today announces its partnership with OVE Touch & Go®, a novel fingerprint payment system that makes digital transactions secure, quick and easy with a simple touch. Green Payments CEO, Cliff Green, recently onboarded as an advisor to the company to help with the launch of its point of sale (POS) solution that allows customers to pay with their fingertips, and businesses to accept fingertip payments.
First founded in 2014, Green Payments has helped nearly 5,000 businesses build their financial stability while generating more than $1 billion in consumer payments each year. Known for its mission to eliminate businesses’ 2-3% processing fee through customized programs, Green Payments plans to utilize emergent technologies like OVE’s fingerprint authentication system to further customize payment options for merchants and customers alike.
“We pride ourselves on providing merchants with all types of payment processing and POS systems, and OVE Touch & Go® is a game-changer for the evolving digital payments space,” said Green. “Businesses and customers spend far too much time and money verifying a swipe or contesting fraudulent claims. As digital payment methods continue to evolve, a partnership with OVE is a natural progression in expanding our technological solutions.”