iWallet a fintech startup, developed a payment app for businesses and is one of the first processing apps to integrate FedNow, the newest, real-time mobile check deposit technology by the end of 2023.
The real-time mobile check deposit provides businesses instant payments and peace of mind if a transaction is completed or if it failed.
All iWallet merchants making mobile remote check deposits in the field, will have the ability to have their techs cash checks, make refunds and use funds deposited instantly thanks to the FedNow, July 2023 real-time payments launch.
“Traditionally merchants pay a processing fee to use credit cards and businesses aren’t able to have their technicians make remote check deposits in the field,” states Jim Kolchin, iWallet Founder and CEO. “As an early adopter of FedNow, iWallet will be offering real-time paper check deposits free to qualified businesses.”
The main difference with current check processing going forward will be, the check writer will get a text message from their bank in real-time with a six-digit code to confirm the transaction. This number will be used to verify the check transaction and will allow it to instantly process. Merchants will get a real time notification from the iWallet app via FedNow, that the funds have been received by their bank.
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