Throughout 2020 TSG has been working with clients to solve pain points as they navigate the ‘new normal’. As we head toward year-end and approach 2021 clients are increasingly asking about two key areas as they look for new revenue channels: Payments Monetization and B2B Payments. Learn more about each below along with recent content you may enjoy.
Please visit TSG’s landing pages to download case studies illustrating how our team of experts have helped merchant acquirers and software companies generate millions in new revenue.
Does your company have software that processes transactions that leaves you wondering about becoming a payments provider? Contrary to what many payment experts will say, there are a variety of ways to monetize payments with differing models, each with their own set of rules/regulations, risks, and rewards. TSG can help clients identify and assess needs and provide support.
Visit TSG’s landing page to download a brief case study about an ISV that generated millions of dollars in recurring revenue. Related Content:
- [Article] The Merging of Software and Payments
- [Infographic] The Four Models of Payment Monetization
B2B has evolved significantly. Are you up to speed on the market opportunities currently available? Understanding how to optimize commercial card payments is key to capturing the B2B payments market and providing your suppliers with a better way to manage the cost of collections.
Visit TSG’s landing page to download a brief case study about how TSG helped Conservice, a billing company in the utility industry, realize a 10% increase in revenue over 5 years. Related Content:
Your Strategy. Now.
Unlike other consulting firms, TSG specializes in payments, and is the largest global advisory/analytics firm in the payments acceptance industry. Learn more and email us to set up time to discuss your needs.