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NCR Adds Freshop E-Commerce Solution to Retail’s Leading Enterprise POS Software Platform

Business Wire

NCR Corporation, a leading provider of retail solutions that run the store, announced today the acquisition of grocery e-commerce leader Freshop.

Adding e-commerce to NCR’s leading retail core point-of-sale platform will give retailers, especially regional and small grocery chains, the ability to quickly deploy “buy-online, pickup-in-store” capabilities to serve their customers’ needs directly. This combination enables retailers to build stronger customer relationships, strengthen their brands, and earn better margins than with third-party e-commerce providers.

“As we continue to expand NCR’s software and services-led offerings, the addition of Freshop to our retail platform creates more value for our customers and new capabilities for NCR to run the store,” said Michael D. Hayford, president and chief executive officer, NCR Corporation.

NCR estimates “buy-online, pickup-in-store” e-commerce will grow by 25 percent per year through 2025. Third-party providers of online solutions initially filled the demand gap for these services when the pandemic hit, but grocers need and want to reclaim their customer experience. With Freshop, NCR can now help grocers capitalize on the growth in e-commerce going forward.

NCR Corporation - Wikipedia


Interested in learning more about the accelerated shift towards eCommerce?

COVID-19 has disrupted consumer spending habits. As the landscape changes, the rise in eCommerce has accelerated the shift of sales volume away from brick-and-mortar.

As the payments industry looks to adapt to this ‘new normal’, TSG has prepared an infographic covering recent trends and explores how certain payments industry players, such as gateways, are critical to the shift to eCommerce.

Click here to download your copy of the infographic