TSG’s Directory of U.S. Merchant Acquirers, sponsored by FIS, the most comprehensive report available on U.S. merchant acquirers, featuring over 8,500 data points on more than 325 companies; covering national leaders to regional ISOs.
The Directory includes a printable snapshot providing a quick reference guide for executives to review merchant portfolio statistics. Additionally, high growth acquirers that reported 10% or more growth in volume, transactions, or merchants from 2019-2020 are identified.
No other industry directory contains the level of detail provided, which is why it is utilized as a reference tool by major media and payments players worldwide.
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Companies Included Represent:
- 325+ U.S. merchant acquirers
- $7+ trillion in total processing volume
- 520+ total sponsor bank relationships
- 840+ total front/back-end processing relationships
- 45+ total in-house processing platforms
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