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Payments Analytics Month - Week 1

In 2007, zero of the top 40 U.S. merchant acquiring companies were using dynamic market data. Now, nearly half of the top 40 acquirers are using TSG’s Acquiring Industry Metrics (AIM) platform to benchmark and manage their business.

Week 1 of Payments Analytics Month’ illustrates a selection of vital data-points from AIM. See below for details and follow TSG on Twitter throughout the month for more AIM stats.


  • Digital Goods Vs. Retail
    • The illustration compares the average annual account and average ticket size for Digital Goods and Retail categories, along with the AIM data warehouse average. Digital Goods merchants are smaller in average account size and average ticket compared to Retail merchants and the AIM average.
  • New Merchant Rates
    • Using the AIM data warehouse, TSG is able to show the trend in new merchant rates over time. The merchant vintage, or the year in a which a merchant was boarded, allows for analysis of only in-year boarded merchants.
  • Attrition & Growth
  • Merchant Life By State
    • Average merchant life is the number of months a merchant is retained by a merchant portfolio. When viewed geographically by state, merchant life may provide an indicator for regional competition.

AIM contains intelligence on over 40% of credit card-accepting merchants in the U.S.. This includes price, profitability, attrition, and growth metrics across thousands of calculations in the platform.