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Payments Analytics Month - Week 2

Benchmarking payment gateways from a merchant, developer, partner, and consumer perspective is now more important than ever as we live in a data-driven world. Gateways representing over 50% of all payment volume in the U.S. are utilizing TSG’s Gateway Enterprise Metrics (GEM) platform to achieve this. How do you stack up?

Week 2 of Payments Analytics Month’ illustrates a selection of vital data-points from GEM. See below for details and follow TSG on Twitter throughout the month for more GEM stats.


  • Gateway Account Boarding
    • TSG acted as a merchant to measure the boarding process to provide an average score for the U.S. market (via its GEM-boarded gateways). On average, most gateways scored excellent in terms ease of integration and setting up a test merchant account. See more scores.
  • SMB eCommerce Growth Rates
    • The SMB eCommerce market is currently experiencing high growth and profitability. This is evidenced by the metrics shown comparing eCommerce only and non-eCommerce growth rates for U.S. card accepting merchants.
  • Mystery Shopping
  • Real Transaction Metrics

GEM is the only tool in the market that benchmarks gateways from the merchant, developer, partner, and consumer perspective. GEM measures account boarding, API set and developer tools, mystery shopping, and real transaction metrics.