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Direct insights into the merchant acceptance space, created by payments experts for payments experts. Maximize efficiency, minimize the effort to actionable insights.

  • Exclusive research
  • Unique, dynamic view
  • Tailored to you

“TSG’s eReports subscription provides timely, credible insights for our team. We always look forward to the next release.”

Ivy Boehm / VP, Market Insights, Merchant Services, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Surcharging Overview

Catch up on trends and legislation from our latest Surcharging eReport.

Crafted for Payments

eReports are perfect for any company in payments. From new entrants to established global entities, eReports has a lens on all things payments. See which subscription fits your needs.

  • PSPs
  • ISOs/Agents
  • Card Networks
  • Gateways
  • Private Equity
  • Fintech
  • Software Companies
  • Financial Institutions

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eReports are backed by primary research, survey findings, proprietary data platforms, and industry subject matter expertise. While competing offerings might be more general, we specialize in payments to accommodate the needs of our core audience, the payment acceptance ecosystem.

Breadth of Coverage

Discover the unseen with eReports. Coverage includes buyers guides, company and country profiles, emerging trends, and other exclusive research on industry topics and micro trends important to payments professionals.

Subscribers find immediate value adding eReports to knowledge centers for dissemination.

Explore eReports

Industry Education

TSG’s education curriculum (101, 201, and 301) have guided thousands of new entrants and seasoned professionals alike.

Payments Industry 101, available to purchase individually, provides a high-level overview of the payments space, which can be paired with a TSG-led session for new employee onboarding.

Market Sizing

CLIMATE, TSG’s monthly consumer spending report, helps identify the addressable market for verticals through access to aggregated U.S. consumer spend data.

The Card Accepting Market Size Report estimates card volume, transactions, and number of card-accepting merchants across 300 MCCs.

Case Studies

The mix of thought leadership content provides immediate ROI for subscribers looking to inform strategic decisions.

  • PSP: Using the PSP Vertical Benchmark and an integrated payments report the PSP pinpointed new vertical expansion opportunities and recognized product alignment with ISVs, leading to potential software channel partnerships
  • Software: Leveraged reports to uncover the strengths of 300+ acquiring providers, as well as reports on payment gateways and eCommerce partners, to access market options for potential exploration
  • Private Equity: Explored product comparison and merchant sentiment across several reports to help understand whether to increase investment or maintain the status quo for a portfolio company.
  • Merchant Acquirer: Used CLIMATE to access concrete data and determine the most attractive verticals and geographies to target expansion efforts.

Subscription Options

Company-wide Access

Enterprise license for internal distribution

Website Portal

Download reports 24/7/365

Payments Education Series

Full curriculum with 101201, and 301

Annual Directories

U.S. Acquirers, Gateways, POS Providers

New Releases

Exclusive releases each month

Previously Published Reports

Library of 50+ eReports 

CLIMATE Consumer Spend Report

Monthly forecasts of consumer spend

Card Accepting Market Size Report

Forecasts across nearly 300 MCCs

NAICS to MCC Mapping Directory

Addresses key need of FIs and Acquirers

ISV Conversion Rate Study

Integrated payment adoption and rates


$9,850 billed Yearly


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