Sell-Side Engagements
Looking to sell? TSG has a pulse on the market and performs an extensive assessment of value drivers to ensure that potential sellers understand the value of their company in the marketplace – before starting the sales process.
Contact UsSell-Side Support
The key factor in a successful asset sale is understanding the true value of your enterprise. Before engaging in the sales process, TSG performs an extensive evaluation of value drivers to ensure potential sellers understand the value of their company in the marketplace. In addition, buyers can use the data to assess offers that are received for an accurate and fact-based assessment of the offer.
Typical annual net revenue multiples range from 1X to 7X – reflecting the basic value components that make up the core value of any business – this illustrates why a structured valuation exercise is critical to pinpoint the value of a payments company.
Go To Market
Using the valuation assessment, TSG will create marketing materials that best highlight and illustrate the enterprise’s assets, strengths, and future performance. Additionally, TSG will carefully curate a prospect list of proven buyers with the funds, deal experience, and bandwidth to close a deal.
Our Go-To-Market strategy is to create a competitive bid environment with buyers, and if needed, assist in a ‘bid enhancement’ process on the financial elements and the key terms.
TSG proved to be a valuable partner in the strategic decision process, and saw the value we have built though our unique portfolio and ISV relationships.
President, CPS
Utilizing TSG was the key first step in going to market with our company. TSG’s detailed approach to valuing and assessing Main Street Softworks prepared us for the rigors of due diligence.
CEO, Monetra