The Paypers
eb3-powered loyalty platform ShopNEXT has announced a new strategic partnership with global card issuer and payments processor Visa to create Shop-to-Earn, a rewards platform.
The new platform includes rewards developed on the blockchain technology, gamification, and NFTs and any Visa cardholder will be able to earn token rewards by shopping and even boost their rewards through an in-app gameplay and NFT cards. The loyalty programme is expected to help millions of merchants grow their businesses and contribute to bringing the latest Web3 technology to the masses.
How does it work?
The latest Visa Offers Platform comes with a card-linked feature that allows users to connect their Visa card to the ShopNEXT’s app. When synced, the VisaNet electronic payments network enables the app to track card payment transactions and grant instant rewards in the form of tokens.
According to Visa officials, as more consumers are shopping online, they develop new digital tastes, and are willing to try alternative rewards and loyalty programmes, based on the blockchain technology and NFTs. The partnership between the two companies will help consumers shop in a more intelligent way and receiving more bang for their buck. At the same time, they will benefit from Visa’s expertise in secure payments and earn limited-edition rewards, including NFTs.