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U.S. Holiday Sales Could Top $1 Trillion, With Mobile Payments Growing 32%

Digital Transactions

Research firm eMarketer Inc. forecasted that 2019 U.S. holiday sales will surpass $1 trillion in value for the first time. Cyber Monday, the Monday following Thanksgiving, is expected to be the biggest online shopping day and could approach $10 billion in sales.

With Thanksgiving falling on the last Thursday of November, this puts Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, on a prime day. New York City-based eMarketer predicts that U.S. holiday retail sales will increase 3.8% to $1 trillion in what it says could be the first-ever trillion-dollar holiday season.

Separately, eMarketer said U.S. proximity mobile-payment transactions will total $98.9 billion in 2019 and grow 31.8% to reach $130.4 billion in 2020. By 2021, the value will be $161.4 billion.
